launch x431 Tool

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Solution: Autel Elite II Gmail Account Setup Error ‘Username or password is incorrect’

Sometimes, when you set up your email account on Autel Maxisys Elite II, you will get an error message ‘Username or password is incorrect’ and fails to sign in. Don’t worry! It’s easy to solve. Just allow less secure apps in your Google account.

Can I Do KVM OTP RFA K8D2 AKL by Opening Lonsdor JLR License?

Do I need to open Lonsdor JLR license to do kvm OTP RFA K8D2? What if my lonsdor isn’t in current subscription? Do I need anything else?
Can I use it on 2021 jaguar and Land rover group?

Autel ITS600E Using Tips: Register+ Update+ VCI Firmware Update

This is tutorial about Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E (same as ITS600) register &update, and MaxiVCI V200 firmware update.

2022 Autel MaxiSys Ultra Great Upgrade Guide

1. Autel MaxiSys Ultra vs. Launch X431 PAD VII
2. Autel Ultra Update Log
3. Autel MaxiSys Ultra Reviews

Vident iAuto702 Pro Nox Reset (Sensor) Guide

The Nox Reset is very practical in the market. Let’s check which car models it can support and how to use it.

Solution: Launch X-Prog3 Failed to Add New Key to BMW CAS4

This post shows solution of one customer gave feedback that he failed to add new keys to his two BMW cars by using Launch X-PROG 3 Advanced Immobilizer & Key Programmer.

How to use Lonsdor Super ADP 8A/4A Adapter

This post will show you how to use lonsdor super adp 8a/4a adapter and need to activate software?

Volvo S90 (2016-) CEM Add Key/All Key Lost by Yanhua ACDP with Module 20

Mini ACDP with module 20 can reads CEM data by ICP mode without soldering, and program new keys via OBD mode for Volvo. Here takes Volvo S90 (2016-) as an example.

MB 272/273 (ME9.7) DME Refresh by Module 18

Yanhua Mini ACDP with Module 18 can refresh DME for Mercedes- Benz CR3.XX/CR4.XX/CR5/CR6/CR60.XX/SIM271DE2.0
MED17.7.X/SIM266 etc.via Bench mode. It’s very easy and convenient. No need to open DME shell, drill hole on DME.

Lonsdor K518S “Fault code: 6041” and “Device abn” Solution

One customer gave the feedback that his Lonsdor K518S prompts “fault code: 6041” and “Device abn., trying to repair”, and now here the solution.
Total 397 items, 20 items/p, current page 10/20.