A: For most vehicles, no online account need, only need security code. For few vehicles, you may need online account
Q:This Vxdiag with Software CDs?
A:Yes,we provide newest Ford IDS and Mazda IDS software CD.
Newest FORD IDS Version: V100.01, Newest Mazda IDS Version: V100.01
we can also send the software by download link.
Q: I have origninal ford software, vxdiag vcx ford can use this software?
A:Yes, you can use the original software, but you must use our driver, then you can use it no problem.
Q:Can Ford and Mazda software can be installed on the same computer?
A:Yes,If you install it via vm method,it can be on the same computer,but if not via vm,it can not be on the same computer.
(Ford IDS need virtual machine,Mazda IDS you can install it directly)
NO need the same as ford vcm ii has to install the 2 different softwares on 2 different PC any more.
Q:When i install Ford IDS, it need license?
A:No need license.
Just change the date and time(time zone) setting of master laptop to UTC+08:00 Beijing, ChongQin----, then to click OK.
After that , it will be ok to run VMWare for FORD IDS
(Please change your laptop zone time not change virtual machine zone time)
Q:It supports online programming?
A:Yes,but you need have online account by yourself,we don't provide it.
Q:How can I update the software?
A:Just give me your order number,i will send link you can download newest software.
Q:It can install on Windows XP/WIN7/WIN8/WIN 10 system?
A:If you can install virtual machine and RAM is at least 4G, then Yes!