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New Year Sale EU Ship No Tax CGDI BMW Key Programmer Full Version Total 24 Authorizations with Free Reading 8 Foot Chip Adapter and BMW OBD Cable

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3 CGDI BMW: Full Version with 24 Authorizations CGDI BMW Key Programmer Full Version Total 24 Authorizations with Free Reading 8 Foot Chip Adapter and BMW OBD Cable
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Product Description

1. This is CGDI BMW Full Version with total 24 authorizations including B48 B58 read ISN, MSD80/81/85/87, MSV80/MSV90 read ISN and N13 / N20 / N55 /B38 read ISN.
2. Get free Reading 8 Foot Chip Clip Adapter and BMW OBD Cable
3. High technical 3-in-1 tool which can perform Auto diagnostic, programming and IMMO maintenance
4. Supports Key Programming for BMW CAS1/CAS2/CAS3 ,and Support Key Matching and All key lost for CAS4 /CAS 4+
5. Ship from US/UK/EU tax free.
CGDI BMW Key Programmer Full Version

SK222 CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Car Key Programmer +XNR-SS252 BMW Data Modification and Verification +XNR-SS253  CGDI BMW Upgrade

Highlights of CGDI BMW Full Version:

1. High technical tool which mainly support Auto diagnose, programming and security maintenance 3 in 1.

2. Support All 24 Authorizations Free: CAS1-3+ Key Match, CAS4 Key Match, Normal Mode Read ISN, Bootstrapper upgrades, FEM/BDC Key Match, CAS3 Key Match, BMW F Series Program, BMW Enable/Disable Key, BMW F Series Coding, EGS Empty and Clone, CAS Mileage Reset, Porsche 987/911 key learning, 95128/95256 Read and Write, BMW E Series Program, BMW E Series Codification, Maserati Meter Mileage Adjustment, BMW EWS Key Match, BMW Data modification and verification, BMW Diagnosis, ICOM Function, B48 B58 read ISN, CAS4 Key Match(OBD), MSD80/81/85/87/ MSV80 /MSV90 read ISN and N13 / N20 / N55 /B38 Read/Write ISN.


3. Free Update Online on CGDI official website, when you receive the device, please download software on official website.

4. Multi-language: English, Spanish, French for free(Polish, Turkish, Italian require language license)

5. With Free Reading 8 Foot Chip Clip Adapter and BMW OBD Cable in package.

CGDI BMW Functions:

Support car key matching models

BMW 1 Series:E81, E82, E87, E88, F20, F21, F52, F40
BMW 2 Series:F22, F23, F44, F45, F46
BMW 3 Series:E36, E46, E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, F31, F34, F35
BMW 4 Series:F32, F33, F36
BMW 5 Series:E34, E39, E60, E61, F07, F10, F11, F18
BMW 6 Series:E63, E64, F06, F12, F13
BMW 7 Series:E38, E65, E66, F01, F02, F03, F04
BMW 8 Series:E31
BMW X1:E84, F48, F49
BMW X2:F39
BMW X3:E83, F25
BMW X4:F26
BMW X5:E53, E70, F15
BMW X6:E71, E72, F16
BMW M2:F87
BMW M3:E90, E92, E93, F80
BMW M4:F82, F83
BMW M5:E60, F10, F90
BMW M6:E63, E64, F06, F12, F13
BMW M8:F91, F92
BMW X3 M:F97
BMW X4 M:F98
BMW X5 M:E70, F85, F95
BMW X6 M:F94
BMW Z3:E36, E37
BMW Z4:E85, E86, E89
BMW Z8:E52
BMW MINI:R50, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R60, R61, F54, F55, F56, F60
Porsche:911, Boxster987

About the function of BMW car key matching

Read key information: Read out the anti-theft information and key information of the vehicle, such as VIN, Anti-theft version, Remote control frequency, Key number, key ID, key type, and key position status.
Generate dealer key: After selecting the blank key bit, click this function to match the new key.
Synchronous ELV: When the steering wheel lock fails; when the key is matched, the car cannot start.
Synchronize DME: When the key is matched, the car cannot be started. Please execute this function to synchronize the DME and CAS system.
Restore key bit: When this key bit is used, it can be initialized.
Unlock key: restore the key to a brand new state, which can be used again.
Disable key: When the owner's key is lost, the relevant key bit can be shielded so that it no longer works on the vehicle.
Enable key: enable the disabled key bit to make the key work on the vehicle again.
Mileage reset: The device can read the mileage information of the anti-theft module, and execute this function to make the mileage become 0.
Exit shipping mode: When the vehicle is diagnosed with this fault code, please execute this function to eliminate the fault code and return the vehicle to normal.
Recovery code:After the car is matched with a new key, there is a failure of no coding file, this function can be used to restore the original coding file.
Replace FEM/BDC/CAS4:When the car module is faulty, use this function to help the vehicle replace the module.
Backup FAFP: Applicable to BMW FEM/BDC modules, backup original FAFP files.
Restore FAFP: Applicable to BMW FEM/BDC module, write the required FAFP file.
Reset starter lock: After replacing the BMW FEM/BDC module, the vehicle does not start, please execute this function.
Remote key repair: When the EEPROM chip on the BMW FEM/BDC module is damaged or the data is lost, causing the key to fail, you can use this function to repair the original car key.

Supports reading and writing BMW DME ISN models in OBD mode:

B48, B58
MEVD172Y F10 MOTOR  Engine electronics MEVD172 6 Cylinder
MEVD1724 F25 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N20
MEVD1725 F20 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N13
N63TU_R0 F01 MOTOR  Engine electronics MEVD172 8 Cylinder N63TU Master
N63TU_L0 F01 MOTOR2 Engine electronics MEVD172 8 Cylinder N63 TU Slave
S63TU_R0 F10 MOTOR  Engine electronics MEVD172 8 Cylinder S63TU Master
S63TU_L0 F10 MOTOR2 Engine electronics MEVD172 8 Cylinder S63 TU Slave
ME17N45  E87 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N45
MEV17N46 E87 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N46
MED17_2  R56 MOTOR  Motor Electronics
MED17_2N R56 MOTOR  Motor Electronics
MV1722   R56 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N16
MVD1722  R56 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N18H
MEVD174K E84 MOTOR  Engine electronics ME VD17.2.4 4 Cylinder N20
MEVD17KW E70 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N55
MEVD174K E84 MOTOR  Motorelektronik ME VD17.2.9 4 Zylinder N20
MEVD176K E89 MOTOR  Engine Electronics ME VD17.2.6 6 Zylinder N55 Bosch High pressure pump
MEV17_2  R56 MOTOR  Motor Electronics
MSV70    E63 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N52
MEV9N46L E87 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N46
ME9N62   E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
MEV9N46  E46 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N46
N62_TUE  E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
N62_TUE2 E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
MEV9N46L E87 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N46
ME9N62   E60 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
MEV9N46L E90 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N45
ME9N62   E60 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
MS450DS0 E60 MOTOR  Motor Electronics M54
MS450DS0 E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics M54
ME9N62_2 Mor MOTOR  Motor Electronics
ME9N62_2 E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
ME9E65_6 E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
ME9E65_6 E60 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N62
ME9N45   E87 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N45
ME9N45   E46 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N45
N73_R0   E65 MOTOR  Motor Electronics N73 Master
N73_L0   E65 MOTOR2 Motor Electronics N73 Slave
MSS60    E90 MOTOR  Motor Electronics S65

Support the use of CGDI wiring harness to read and write BMW DME ISN models

MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD87, MSV80, MSV90

Support BMW Service function

BMW Diagnosis: read and clear vehicle fault codes, and provide solutions.
BMW E Series Program:Suitable for BMW E series vehicles, read all module information, you can specify a module for programming.
BMW E Series Coding:It is suitable for BMW E series vehicles. It reads all module information, can specify a module for coding, and also supports modification of VO code and activation of hidden functions.
BMW F/G Series Program:It is suitable for BMW F/G series vehicles, reads all module information, can specify a module for programming, and also supports the initialization of airbag/sunroof/window modules.
BMW F/G Series Coding:It is suitable for BMW F/G series vehicles. It reads all module information, can designate a module for coding, and also supports modification of VO code and activation of hidden functions.

BMW EGS  Computer repair and replacement

BMW E series: Support 6HP, functions include status detection, reset adaptation, VIN modification and ECU reset.
BMW F series: Support 6HP and 8HP, functions include data backup, erase reset and clear ISN.

BMW Data Repair

Support modules include CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS4, FEM and BDC, and can modify frequency, VIN and ISN.
Supported DME models include N13, N20, N55 and B38, and VIN and ISN can be modified.
Support DME_ISN, EWS_ISN, KEY_CODE to calculate each other, used for CAS4 module and FEM/BDC module repair and replacement.

BMW CAS mileage reset

Support CAS1, CAS2 and CAS3, modify the mileage to 0.

BMW ICOM function

When this function is executed, the device will automatically register and you can use the original BMW software.

BMW EEPROM data read and write

Supports data reading and writing of the anti-theft chip 95128 of BMW FEM module (Free of dismantling)
Supports data reading and writing of the anti-theft chip 95256 of BMW BDC module (Free of dismantling)
Support BMW ELV chip 95040 data read and write (Free of dismantling)

Maserati car mileage modification

Support Levante (95320), Geberit (95160), President (95160), OBD mode, no need to disassemble, fast and stable.

Other functions

Actively check software and firmware, remind customers to upgrade;
Function classification, online authorization, to help customers quickly locate;
The equipment is automatically activated, breaking the time limit;
Built-in help and operation tutorial to eliminate customers' concerns about operating errors;
Customize and adjust the software interface and font size to meet the habits of each customer.

CGDI BMW Full Software Display:

cgdi-bmw-cas1-cas3+ke- programming

CGDI Prog BMW Customers Feedbacks:

cas4 F10 – ok (new key)
cas4+ F10 – ok (new key) isn from org key or dump DME
fem/bdc F31 – ok – reset mileage, change isn, change vin, make keys with oryginal key and with dump from DDE
cas3+ E60- ok , downgrade and make key with isn from org key
CGDI PROG bmw f20 2014 mileage reset OK
Read ISN DME MSD80 OK 5WK93628
program bdc key via obd for bmw x6 ok!
add key to bmw x5 successfully
program key to 2016 BMW 5-series ok
program key for BMW 523Li OK
Program BMW FEM all key lost done!
program FEM for F30 328 2013 ok
programing orignal key for BMW 325 ok
add new key to BMW 3 series ok.
program bmw m3 key done!
Cas 2 - E60 2005 lost key - Obd - not working ( no option to program from dump)
Cas 3+ E87 2008 spare key - eeprom dump - ok
F10 - key from dump - OK
F10 LCI - key from dump and isn from working key - OK
F10 LCI - key from dump and isn from DDE - OK
E60 LCI - downgrade CAS3+ and key via OBD - OK

CGDI BMW Update Log:

V3.2.4.1 NEW(2024.09.12)
1. 4 new versions are added to the BDC key matching function:
(1) 085_010_100
(1) 085_010_110
(1) 085_010_130
(1) 085_011_120

2. Fix the problem of BDC key matching failure for version 085_010_080.

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Package includes:

1pc x CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Main Unit
1pc x USB Line
1pc x OBD Connection Line
1pc x Reading 8 Foot Chip Free Clip Adapter
1pc x Carton Box
1pc x BMW OBD Adapter No Need Disassembling (Free Gift)

CGDI BMW Prog Reviews:

1. For making keys it has worked great. I have made about 7 keys so far all CAS types except CAS4.
2. I tried to read ISN on 3 cars and failed. I think it may only read ISN from MSV80/85 ecu's. Will try on the MSV80 soon and will update. All done by OBD.
3. I have BMWExplorer and have used Autohex as well, but if you only need to program keys and your not concerned with ISN for DME swaps, I would buy the CGDI before those tools.
4. Its supposed to do ISN but the advertising wording can be misleading. It may only be able to read ISN of 2 types of DME. So far thats how its looking. Will contact my vendor to verify and see if there is an update preventing ISN reads.
5. For the money its worth it just to be able to program the CAS3 keys. It works super fast literally less than 2 minutes beginning to end. Faster than BMWExplorer for sure. I have yet to successfully do FEM key with Explorer so as far as Im concerned it has the same key programming capability as the CGDI.


Q: on tool info it says supports bmw key unlock, does that mean I can reuse a old key and reprogram it?Also how safe if downgrading for cas3+? I only ran into this issue one time and i did not downgrade as worried mess things up. im curious how well this programmer works. if anyone who has this doesnt mind me messaging them with questions ill appreciate it.
A: Yes, CGDI BMW Key tool supports bmw key unlock, you can reuse an old key and reprogram it. and yes it is safe if downgrade for CAS3+. Don't worry you will mess things up.

autel 5% off


Shipping Method and Delivery Time: 

1. UK & Czech Warehouse Shipping: 3-5 working days. Fast Delivery & VAT/Tax Free.
[Ship from UK] For UK customers only,  2-5 days shipping by Royal Mail or UPS
[Ship from Czech] For European countries, ship by DHL or GLS, 3-5 days delivery. 

2. DHL Shipping: Suitable for customers worldwide. Will take 5-7 working days. 
If your address belongs to remote area, will need to pay remote handling cost. Please remember to leave message if you have any special requirement.
3. Yanwen Express: TAX Free for European Countries. Will take 10-15 working days normally.
4. Order Under 130EUR normally with default shipping standard post, customers can tick for premium delivery to choose ship by DHL.
5. Customers can also choose UPS, TNT FedEx or EMS if you prefer.