Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer Update to V4.5.0
VVDI2 latest software version V4.5.0 update
*** 2017-09-07
*** Require firmware V4.5.0
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===== Note =====
1. All customer should update the software to V4.5.0, use the latest software to synchronize your device
2. Update firmware v4.5.0 require the latest online update tool v4.5.0 version
3. Please download latest install software first then update firmware
===== VAG V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.5.0 =====
1. Improvement for BMW FEM/BDC key learn
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix